New Telemobile Systems Provide Advanced Wireless Voice, Fax, File Transfer and Internet Communications

Las Vegas, NV, April 21, 1998…Stepping up the momentum of its global wireless telecommunications marketing drive, Telemobile Inc., a leading Southern California wireless telephone manufacturer, has today launched its new E1 PHONELINK ETEL series of digital wireless telephone equipment. The new series is available on 400MHz as well as 1.4GHz in conjunction with its newly introduced T738 Pair Gain systems, designed with the power and flexibility to meet the continuing requirements of today's communications systems in the rural marketplace. In the announcement, Vice President of Marketing Dan Thomas pointed out "The new ETEL series, in combination with its new T738 Pair Gain systems, provide fast and reliable voice, fax, and data service."

Telemobile's new ETEL systems provide a primary link for direct connection with other telecom equipment via the standard industry G.703/G.704 2Mbit/s ports. Applications include wireless connection to a remote PABX, subscriber multiplex systems, SCADA, or cellular backbone. Telemobile's new T738 Pair Gain / Concentrator systems have the functions of the digital multiplexer / concentrator equipment and can be integrated in a small stand alone single terminal. In this manner full access for telephone, fax, data equipment, 4-wire E&M for as many as 720 subscribers with high security and high reliability is available in any rural area.

Telemobile Inc., a 35 year old wireless communication manufacturer, is a U.S. manufacturer of point-to-point radio telephone systems that are digital compatible. These high quality, low cost systems have a wide variety of options available including wireless caller ID, payphone signaling, and voice scrambling modules. Other digital systems are also available with Telemobile's integrated multiplexer and internal radio modem for a combination of voice, fax and wireless Internet service or file transfer.

Contact Dan Thomas at Telemobile Inc., 19840 Hamilton Avenue, Torrance, CA 90502 USA, Tel +1(310) 538-5100 or Fax +1(310) 532-8526, email: News for more information and complete details.

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