Wireless Rural Telephony 2-Line Point-to-Point

Telemobile’s TM7 series digital WTEL wireless PHONELINK® system provides two toll quality circuits over a range of 50 Km. The WTEL can be configured for POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or E&M to extend service to remote areas. You can also switch one of the voice circuits to provide a RS-232 V.24 data link.
WTEL systems are a 64 Kbps point-to-point radio link operating in a 100 KHz RF channel. The system allows two simultaneous calls for voice, fax or data.
The digital WTEL PHONELINK® systems are available in VHF (136-300 MHz) and UHF (300-520 MHz) frequency bands utilizing high performance digital modulation and advanced voice compression techniques.
The standard system is configured as 13.8 VDC desktop units with optional internal DC or AC power converters. System antennas, cable and rack or wall mount brackets are available as well as a weather proof enclosure option.
The Wireless Rural Loop (WRL) WTEL systems provide two toll quality
32 Kbps voice circuits for business, residential, 4Wire E&M and payphone service into remote areas.
The WTEL can be configured for one voice and one data circuit for a combination of voice/fax+data service (2+0, 1+1).
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Page Last Updated
March 20, 2008