Wireless Rural Telephony 8-Line

A new economical series of 64 Kbps digital point-to-point Wireless Rural Loop (WRL) phone systems called the TM7 series MTEL64 PHONELINK®, is ideal for voice, fax or data including wireless Internet access.
The MTEL system consists of terminal and remote unit that provides up to 8 simultaneous voice circuits. The MTEL voice circuits can support Dial-up Internet access and fax machines.
The MTEL64 series offers a wide variety or customization. Single or multiple dedicated data ports are available and you can program each circuit for different data (bit rate) speed to deliver the exact service level desired to each line.
Telemobile’s new MTEL64 series digital wireless communications systems, have proven high security and high reliability in any rural area. The duplex system requires only 100 Khz of bandwidth and is available in the VHF or UHF (136-520 Mhz) frequency bands.
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Page Last Updated
March 20, 2008